Neend: The Short Film On The Stark Need For Sleep
Neend: The Short Film On The Stark Need For Sleep
The short film, “Neend”, gives an insight into the world of the insomniacs and also into the life of the therapist whose sole job is to help people sleep
I am sure we’ve all had those nights when we have trouble sleeping. It could be due to stress or a traumatic incident or sometimes, for no reason at all. The theme of this short story, titled “Neend” revolves around the people who have trouble sleeping every night- the insomniacs.
The chief protagonist of this story is a therapist, played by Deepti Naval, who tries to put her clients to sleep with her melodious voice while narrating short poems. The poems are composed by her for her clients and have soothing and calming imagery which help her clients go to sleep.
The story also reflects upon her relationship with one of her clients, the client whose open eyes she is unable to forget and which haunt her even after twenty years.
The short film has had the privilege of being staged at various events including the New York Indian Film Festival. Carrier of an obscure theme, the story progresses with the poems of the therapist and her profound poems set the serious mood of the film. A grave film with a melancholic tinge, the film gives an insight into the world of the insomniacs and also into the life of the therapist whose sole job is to help people sleep… every night.